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Software vs. Website Localization

Differences between a Website and Software

Software consists of a set of programs or instructions that tells the computer how to function. It is designed to carry out different functions. A website, as the name implies, is a collection of web pages on the Internet. It is operated by an individual or organization and can be accessed via a web browser.

Here are some key differences between websites and software.

  • A website is a collection of web pages that operates under one domain name. On the other hand, a piece of software is an operating system that is operated by a computer.
  • Websites help in market expansion and help customers know more about the products and services of your company. Moreover, it helps to enhance your trustworthiness and helps in the exchange of information. On the other hand, software helps to increase your productivity and enhances your business potential.
  • Websites are designed to easily reach more consumers in the digital world. Meanwhile, software is designed to fulfill customer requirements.
  • Websites are written in scripting language while software is written in a programming language.
  • Features of websites are mostly product descriptions, visuals, intuitive designs, and easy navigation. On the other hand, the features of software include portability, efficiency, functionality, and maintainability.
  • Websites generally run on a server. On the contrary, software runs on local computers and cell phones.
  • Websites are made up of different web pages that are linked together, whereas software consists of a set of data and instructions.

Now that you know the differences between a website and software, let us explore their differences in terms of localization.

What is Website Localization? 

Website localization has to do with adapting a website to the culture and language of the people you are targeting. It is the process of modifying a website that matches the target market. The target market that speaks a different language and has distinct cultural values needs to have different content on the website that speaks directly to the common man. It is a tedious process. The technical process has to do with coding the site while using appropriate alphabets and symbols.

What is Software Localization?

Software localization on its part is the textual, imagery, and auditory presentation of language in your software according to the requirements of a specific language and culture. This is a very tedious process that requires the alteration of text, user interfaces, images, and multimedia. When you successfully localize your software, it gives the feeling that it is designed especially for the audience of a specific region.

This is very important. For example, assume that 45% of the world’s top downloads are from China, so you will never miss a chance of hitting the massive market without localizing the software.

How else do software and website localization differ from each other? Here are a few key differences between both methods of localizing content.

1. Type of Content 

Software localization and website localization also differ in the type of content that is localized. 

Websites usually contain several content types, from marketing copy to legal and technical information. All this content is written to suit the audience. With website localization, ads are written or carefully designed based on the audience - their culture and language. 

Software localization, on the other hand, usually contains embedded information that is updated over time. The ads found in software are often static. In software localization, the content should be developed knowing that it will take time for a change to occur and that the audience influences their reaction to your product or service.

2. User Experience and SEO

Software localization is focused on user experience (UX) while websites are typically based on searchability and conversion which has to do with SEO. While software localization places more emphasis on usability, websites focus more on the strategic use of keywords that help a website rank among search results. In either localization method, a good user experience and a well-optimized website give the user an experience that will either keep them or make them leave.

3. Equality in Content 

Not all content is created the same. Each content depends on who it is meant for and where it is used. 

In software localization, the content will vary in relevance depending on the traffic certain parts of the app get. Meanwhile, in website localization, certain aspects or components may be a lot more relevant than others.


Website and software localization both have the same goal – to expand the market size of a product or service. Both can become incredibly chaotic if care is not taken. They are also able to become predictable, sustainable, and simple to manage.

It all stems from having the overall localization architectural design from the start. That’s why you need to get a good marketer to do your localization plan and execute it since the goal is to expand your market.

Localizing the content on your website or software might take a long time. So, it’s important to start early and make adjustments as you study your target market.

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