The demand for legal translation services has been increasing due to globalization, resulting in the availability of a lucrative market for freelance translators who specialize in legal translation services although this majorly applies to freelance only. But then, getting into this sector can be intimidating especially for translators new in the industry. This blog post will help you successfully break into the freelance legal translation market by taking you through some steps.
1. Hone Your Legal Translation Skills:
Develop your legal writing proficiency if you want to be part of this translating industry scene. Legal translation involves complex terms, concepts, and systems thus specialized personnel who comprehend them well are needed. It’s a must that you have sound knowledge of both the source language (SL) and target language (TL) in addition to having insight about how law operates in both countries concerned in any matter before (Baker, 2011). This can be done by enlisting in specific courses dealing with legal terminology or attending workshops and conferences on that area as well as through constant improvement of language skills.
2. Establish your Portfolio:
A good portfolio is one requirement for any translator worth their salt in today’s translations sector. It shows off who you are with regards to your expertise among other things that even makes an individual seek after your services in such a crowded field like the teaching profession itself being another out there. For example as legal translation requires different kinds of documents such as contracts or court papers among others within which case when someone applies for immigration to America from any Spanish speaking nation they might also need help translating their papers since these have no use in English-speaking countries unless when taken through an interpreter service; therefore if one understands this language fluently and has an academic background on migration studies there could appear an opportunity open up before him/her regarding provision such assistance especially considering its specificity enough unsolicited act study upon reputation then becoming firm ground within itself. Those who are new to the industry can decide to offer free services to organizations that care for people or intern in places where law is handled so that they could garner some experience and also have something that shows off their works in a professional way.
3. Get Certified:
Even though not a must, being certified in legal translation enhances your marketability and credibility tremendously. There
are many certification programs including well-known ATA certification by American Translators Association which is accepted internationally. These certifications require a lot of struggle where one has to pass a test verifying their understanding along with practice of legal law. Therefore, it means that when clients need this specific service, they are likely to hire someone who has been endorsed, making it a worthwhile investment in one’s career.
4. Communicate:
Networking is very important in every industry including the translation field. Participate in industry events, become a member of professional associations or engage other translators who specialize in legal translation as well as interpreters both online and offline platforms. For example, from these contacts you can get new assignments while also learning from those experienced individuals working within your specialty area. Furthermore, having a strong online presence through social media and other professional networks like LinkedIn can help you find clients.
5. Find Your Niche:
Although demand exists for general legal translation services, specializing can give translators an edge over others in the market. Identify your linguistic abilities and choose areas of law that interest you and are rich in your language. Given this, if you understand Spanish very well and have previously studied immigration laws it could be great to become an expert in translating immigration documents for many immigrants who are seeking for jobs abroad or those that aspire to prolong their stay in from Latin America (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2015). This expertise will set you apart from others while enabling you charge more money for the same job.
6. Promote Yourself:
Marketing is key for individuals working as freelancers because they always represent themselves at any given industry event thus being at its core self-promotion. Develop a professional website showcasing your services, experience and samples of what you have translated before. Additionally it may involve giving free consultations or discounts on first time clients bids which are likely to attract new customers as well as creating a good brand name in addition building strong relationships with other professionals from different areas.
Becoming a freelancer legal translator can seem like climbing Mount Everest without ropes but with the right skill set, strategy or approach anyone is capable of having a successful career in this field. Keep improving your language skills through practice; have a comprehensive portfolio; network and market yourself adequately and you will soon become a sought-after legal translator in the tough world of free translation.