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How it works

Freelanly is a job board for translators and interpreters. We constantly search through hundreds of websites accumulating vacancies for you in 1 place.

Please note that without registration and subscription you will only see posts several days and even more older.

If you want to see fresh posts, please register and subscribe to our notifications and then:

  • You will get new vacancies directly to your email
  • Vacancies you get will be fresh so you increase your chances to get the job

But you still can always use our website for free and without registration and to ensure the best experience please follow these simple steps:

  • Choose language pairs you work with and click Add. Here you can add up to 8 language pairs or combinations
Freelanly: how it works pic.1
  • Choose the Type of Work and Work Mode and click Go
Freelanly: how it works pic.2

Now you can choose among variety of 24+ hours vacancies corresponding to your selected criteria, see the original text of the vacancy and contact details of the requestor by clicking Open full vacancy.

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